Corporate Secretary has the responsibility to always follow the development of Capital Market, particularly applicable regulations in Capital Market; provide services to the public for any information needed by investors related with the Company’s conditions; provide inputs to the Company’s Board of Directors in complying with Provision of Law No. 8 Year 1995 concerning Capital Market and its regulation implementation; and becomes a liaison or contact person between the Company and Financial Services Authority and the public. In accordance with the requirements from Financial Services Authority Regulation No.35 / POJK.04/2014 regarding Corporate Secretary Emitee or Public Listed Company and based on Decree of the Company’s Board of Directors No. 02/IP/SK-Dir/IX/2014 dated 8 September 2014 regarding Appointment of Corporate Secretary, the Company has assigned Lenggana Linggawati as the Company’s Corporate Secretary.
The Company has a policy of not regulating the term of office or tenure of the Corporate Secretary. However, the Company may replace Corporate Secretary at any time if deemed necessary by the management.
The Corporate Secretary has the following duties and responsibilities:
- Ensure Company compliance with relevant provisions of laws and regulations.
- Provide services and information required by stakeholders and shareholders.
- Assist the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners and Committees in organizing various meetings, from administration to documentation aspects.
- Assist the Company in organizing various corporate activities.

Lenggana Linggawati
Corporate Secretary
Brief Profile
Indonesian citizen, obtained a Bachelor’s degree majoring in Law from Trisakti University Jakarta (1999) and obtained a master’s degree majoring in Management from Mercu Buana University Jakarta (2009).
Served as Corporate Secretary of the Company since 2014. Served as Head of Legal of the Company (2008-present).