Following fire incident at Bantar Gebang Waste Management Site in October 2023, causing significant damage to the houses of scavenger community and disrupted access to clean water and sanitation, PT Impack Pratama Industri Tbk (Impack) collaborates with its close partners such as Gerakan PASTI, Tata Logam Group, Indonesia Toilet Association, TOTO, Koalisi Pemantau Plastik Ramah Lingkungan, Greenhope, PT Penta Prima (paint and coating), and PT Sasa Inti, in fulfilling sanitation needs for 32 families of scavengers around the area.

Impack provided uPVC roofing Alderon RS and uPVC piping Alderon to construct essential sanitation facilities for Bantar Gebang community who lives below the 50-meter-high trash mountain. Alderon RS is used to construct the cubicles and roofs, while Alderon uPVC piping is used to supply the clean water supply and drainage flow. Before the construction of this sanitation facilities, residents tended to practice open defecation due to difficulties in accessing proper sanitation and clean water in the area.
During its recent visit on February 27, 2024, Impack further supported the scavenger community with additional press machine, streamlining their inorganic waste collection process to foster a cleaner environment.

Meanwhile, PT Sasa Inti also distributed 120 lunch boxes for the community and the container boxes will be further reused by the community.
Impack hopes that the community will always take good care of the facilities, utilize the toilet and press machine optimally, which may further improve their livelihoods.