Accessories Polycarbonate

aksesoris polycarbonate joining with profile H aluminium
Aksesoris polycarbonate - Profil U 4mm 6mm

Our polycarbonate profile is an extruded polycarbonate profile made from the latest European technology.

Accessories Polycarbonate – Specially designed to join sheets together and to seal off sheets end respectively, H and U profiles are much needed accessories to compliment the use of our twinwall polycarbonate sheet. Unlike the usual aluminum-based profiles, our H and U profiles are also made from polycarbonate, thus preventing possible instances of cracked sheets caused from different thermal expansion and shrinkage properties between the sheet and the profile during day and night time.

U profile also prevents dust, dirt, fungus that may get into the sheets and most importantly moisture that may get trapped within the sheet due to condensation.

Please visit Our Polycarbonate Roofing Product to find out more.

Profile Recommended use For Sheet Thickness(mm) Length (meter) Shape
H 4/6 4 to 6 6
U 4/6 4 to 6 6


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