Sustainability Governance


Sustainability Governance Structure

We have implemented governance in accordance with Law No. 40/2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies with the highest structure being the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS).

The Director of Sustainability and New Product Development is responsible to lead the Sustainability Division, including developing strategies, coordinating, directing, and monitoring the implementation, as well as conducting quarterly evaluations of the sustainability achievements towards sustainability targets.

The result is reported regularly to the Board of Commissioners every 4 months. The sustainability division is also responsible for operational responsibilities, such as community engagement and development, sustainable product innovations, compliance to law and regulation, and stakeholder relations.

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Risk Management

Our Support Towards Anti-Fraud & Anti-Corruption Practices

Stakeholder Engagement

We always involve significant stakeholders in all of our activities and strive to meet the needs of all stakeholders. These needs have been mapped based on their proximity and impact on the Company.

To understand their engagement with Impack, click the respective icon below.

Impack’s Stakeholders

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